Ohio University MenÕs Club Soccer

Player Contract


            The player contract is simple but necessary for a successful season. The purpose is to make sure each player is aware of their responsibilities and expectations for the upcoming season. The following rules have been set in place for the Ohio University MenÕs Club Soccer team:


  1. All players must attend all regular and postseason games.
  2. Practice is mandatory with the exception of class.
  3. Any fundraiser or community service project done by the team is mandatory.
  4. Respect each other and resolve issues off the field.


When a player acknowledges these rules as being a fundamental foundation of this team, he is committing himself to a binding contract. This means that if any of these rules are broken in any sort of manner, the contract has been violated and the player will be either suspended or expelled from the team, without refund. In any situation, the cabinet will decide the fate of the player who broke the rule(s). In regards to each rule:


  1. All games are scheduled in a manner to avoid class time. Players are expected to manage their time in order to attend every game. There may be rare exceptions, but the player is required to handle the situation at least 48 hours before game time. In the case that the team makes it to the postseason, the rule does not change. All players are expected to attend; only special circumstances will be tolerated (Not Halloween weekend or any other social event).
  2. Players are expected to schedule classes in order to avoid practice. Practice time is Monday through Friday, from 5-7pm. In the occasion that a player cannot avoid a practice and class conflict playing time may be reduced in order to compensate for the players who are attending practice.
  3. Fundraisers and community service projects are necessary for the team to be financially stable. Every player must be in attendance in order to receive the best possible result for the team. If this rule is broken, the player will either pay a fine for the amount his individual effort would have contributed, or his dues will be higher at the beginning of the season.
  4. This team represents menÕs soccer at Ohio University, so everything done on individual time must be done in a respectable manner. This team knows how to have a good time, so as long as players are responsible they will see that being a part of this team means more than just playing soccer. On the other hand, any activity other than classes, exams, family/friend emergencies, or any other rare exception, will not be acceptable to take precedence over soccer.
  5. A part of the teamÕs goals are to build friendships and forms a close group of guys. Players are expected to respect each other on and off the field. If there is ever an issue that cannot be resolved, players are expected to address the problem to the cabinet members. The most unacceptable time to handle a situation is during practice time or game time. Handle everything as an adult and with the utmost care.


These rules are only set in place in order to make a successful season. This contract is simple and easy, but it will ensure equality. By signing the Ohio University MenÕs Club Soccer ŌTeam ContractÕ the player is acknowledging the rules set forth; likewise if the contract is broken the player has lost his control to be on this team and his future with the club is no longer in his hands.




Signature of Player





Date Signed





Signature of Club President





Date Signed


